Vita and research
Dr Gahlert and PD Dr Röhling have both specialised in implants and challenging oral surgical procedures for many years. Due to their long-standing research in the field of ceramic implantology and their extensive clinical experience, Dr Gahlert and PD Dr Röhling will focus on and use only the latest generation of zirconia implants. Dr Gahlert has been working with ceramic implants since 2004 and has always been at the forefront of innovation. Occasionally, he shares his treatment expertise from other dental disciplines with other dentists.
As part of their research activities, Dr Gahlert and PD Dr Röhling regularly publish articles on ceramic implantology and other topics in national and international publications.

Vita of Dr Michael Gahlert:
- 1985: Graduation in dentistry (University of Freiburg)
- Until 1990: Assistant at the University Clinic of Freiburg (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery)
- Specialisation in oral surgery
- Since 1990: In private practice in Munich
- Since 2011: Research associate at Basel University Hospital (high-tech research centre)
- 2017: Habilitation process in Basel
- 2018: Habilitation in Basel in the field of “experimental surgery”
- 2019: Guest professorship at Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Department of Oral Surgery)
- Michael Gahlert is married and father of two children
Corinne E. Oeschger, Dieter D. Bosshardt, Stefan Roehling, Michael Gahlert, David L. Cochran & Simone F. M. Janner (2020): Crestal bone response to loaded zirconia and titanium implants: a radiographic and histometric analysis in canines.
Clin Oral Invest DOI 10.1007/s00784-020-03235-2 (2020)
Xiuli He, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Stefan Milz, Bernhard Michalke, Xiao Wu, Christoph M. Sprecher, Yang Yang, Michael Gahlert, Stefan Röhling, Heinz Kniha, Reinhard Hickel, Christof Högg (2020): Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro.
Dent Mat 36, (2020), 402-412
Roehling S, Gahlert M, Janner S, Bo Meng, Woelfler H, Cochran DL. (2019): Ligature-induced Peri-implant bone loss around loaded zirconia and titanium implants.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019 March/April;34(2):357–365. doi: 10.11607/jomi.7015. Epub 2019 Feb 4.
Scherrer SS, Mekki M, Crottaz C, Gahlert M, Romelli E, Marger L, Durual S, Vittecoq E. (2019): Translational research on clinically failed zirconia implants.
Dent Mater. 2019 Feb;35(2):368-388. doi:10.1016/ Epub 2018 Dec 12.
Roehling S, Schlegel KA, H. Woelfler, Gahlert M.
Zirconia compared to titanium dental implants in preclinical studies – a systematic review and meta-analysis
Clin Oral Implants Res,30:365-395, 2019
30(5):365-395. doi: 10.1111/clr.13425. Epub 2019 Apr 16
Roehling S, Schlegel KA, Woelfler H, Gahlert M. (2018):
Performance and outcome of zirconia dental implants in clinical studies: A meta-analysis.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29
Suppl 16:135-153. doi: 10.1111/clr.13352.
Morton D, Gallucci G, Lin WS, Pjetursson B, Polido W, Roehling S, Sailer I, Aghaloo T, Albera H, Bohner L, Braut V, Buser D, Chen S, Dawson A, Eckert S, Gahlert M,
Hamilton A, Jaffin R, Jarry C, Karayazgan B, Laine J, Martin W, Rahman L, Schlegel A, Shiota M, Stilwell C, Vorster C, Zembic A, Zhou W. (2018):
Group 2 ITI Consensus Report: Prosthodontics and implant dentistry.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29
Suppl 16:215-223. doi: 10.1111/clr.13298.
Janner SFM, Gahlert M, Bosshardt DD, Roehling S, Milz S, Higginbottom F, Buser D, Cochran DL (2017):
Bone response to functionally loaded, two-piece zirconia implants: A preclinical histometric study
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 Dec 30. doi: 10.1111/clr.13112.
[Epub ahead of print]
Gahlert M. (2017):
Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone – Current Treatment Modalities and Materials for Single-tooth Replacements
Buchbeitrag: ITI Treatment Guide Volume 10, 7.14.
Replacement of a Fractured Upper Left Central Incisor: Early Placement of a Monotype Zirconia Implant, Semi-submerged Transmucosal Healing, 340- 350.
Roehling S, Astasov-Frauenhoffer M, Hauser-Gerspach I, Braissant O, Woelfler H, Waltimo T, Kniha H, Gahlert M. (2016):
In Vitro Biofilm Formation on Titanium and Zirconia Implant Surfaces
J Periodontol. 2017 Mar;88(3):298-307. doi: 10.1902/jop.2016.160245.
Epub 2016 Oct 7. PMID: 27712464
Kniha K, Gahlert M., Hicklin S, Brägger U, Kniha H, Milz S. (2016):
Evaluation of Hard and Soft Tissue Dimensions Around Zirconium Oxide Implant-Supported Crowns: A 1-Year Retrospective Study
J Periodontol. 2016 May;87(5):511-8. doi: 10.1902/jop.2015.150441.
Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26654346
Gahlert M., Kniha H., Weingart D., Schild S., Gellrich NC, Bormann KH. (2016):
A prospective clinical study to evaluate the performance of zirconium dioxide dental implants in single-tooth gaps
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016 Dec;27(12):e176-e184. doi: 10.1111/clr.12598.
Epub 2015 Apr 1. PMID: 25827600
Roehling S., Woelfler H., Hicklin S, Kniha H., Gahlert M. (2016):
A Retrospective Clinical Study with Regard to Survival and Success Rates of Zirconia Implants up to and after 7 Years of Loading
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2016 Jun;18(3):545-58. doi: 10.1111/cid.12323.
Epub 2015 Mar 19. PMID: 25801578
Gahlert M. (2015):
Vollkeramische implantologische Rehabilitationen – eine alternative Behandlungsoption zu Titan
Stomatologie, Springer Verlag Wien 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00715-015-0057-2
Gahlert M., Röhling S. (2015):
Keramische Zahnimplantate – wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung
Zahnmedizin up2date 5 OE2015 OE1-20 OEDOI
Gahlert M., Röhling S. (2015):
Periimplantitis und Keramikimplantate– erste klinische Beobachtungen
Quintessenz Implantologie 2015, 23(3): 305-310
Kniha K., Gahlert M., Hicklin S., Brägger U., Kniha H. & Milz S. (2015):
Evaluation of hard and soft tissue dimensions around zirconium oxide implant supported crowns: a one-year retrospective study
J Periodontol. 2015 Dec 14:1-15.
[Epub ahead of print]
Gahlert M., Kniha H., Weingart D., Schild S., Eickholz P., Nickles K. & Bormann K.H. (2015):
Prospective open label single arm study to evaluate the performance of STRAUMANN monotype FullCeram (Zirconiumdioxide) implants in single tooth gaps in the maxilla and mandibula
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/clr.12598.
[Epub ahead of print]
Roehling S., Engelhardt H., Hicklin S., Kniha H. & Gahlert M. (2015):
Commercially available zirconia implants up to and after 7 years of loading – a retrospective clinical study with regard to survival and success rates
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015 Mar 19. doi: 10.1111/cid.12323.
[Epub ahead of print]
M. Gahlert (2014):
Vollkeramische implantologische Rehabilitationen
wissen kompakt – November 2014, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 13-24,
ISSN: 1863-2637 (Print) 2190-3816 (Online)
Sanz M, Ivanoff CJ, Weingart D, Wiltfang J, Gahlert M., Cordaro L, Ganeles J, Bragger U, Jackowski J, Martin WC, Jung RE, Chen S, Hammerle C. (2013):
Clinical and Radiologic Outcomes after Submerged and Transmucosal Implant Placement with Two-Piece Implants in the Anterior Maxilla and Mandible:
3-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2013 Jul 9. doi: 10.1111/cid.12107.
[Epub ahead of print]
M. Gahlert, D.Burtscher, G. Pfundstein, H. Küchenhoff, I. Grunert, H. Kniha (2013):
Dental zirconia implants up to three years in function: A retrospective clinical study, evaluation of the prosthetic restorations and failures,
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 May-Jun;28(3):896-904. doi: 10.11607/jomi.2211., The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants
M. Gahlert, S. Röhling, C.M. Sprecher, H. Kniha, S. Milz, K. Bormann (2012):
In vivo performance of zirconia and titanium implants. A histomorphometric study in mini pig maxillae,
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Mar;23(3):281-6.
K.H. Bormann, N.C. Gellrich, H. Kniha, M. Dard, M. Wieland, M. Gahlert (2011):
Biomechanical evaluation of a microstructured zirconia implant by a removal torque comparison with a standard SLA implant. Biomechanical study in a minipig model.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Nov 14. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02291.x.
[Epub ahead of print]
Hämmerle CH, Jung RE, Sanz M, Chen S, Martin WC, Jackowski J, On behalf of this multicenter study group:
Ivanoff CJ, Cordaro L, Ganeles J, Weingart D, Wiltfang J, Gahlert M. (2011):
Submerged and transmucosal healing yield the same clinical outcomes with two-piece implants in the anterior maxilla and mandible: interim 1-year results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial.
2012 Feb;23(2):211-219. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02210.x.
Epub 2011 Jul 4.
Clinical Oral Implants Research
M. Gahlert, D. Burtscher, I. Grunert, H. Kniha & E. Steinhauser (2011):
Failure analysis of fractured dental zirconia implants.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Mar;23(3):287-93
M. Gahlert, S. Roehling, M.Wieland, St. Eichhorn, H. Küchenhoff, H. Kniha (2010):
A comparison study of the osseointegration of zirconia and titanium dental implants. A biomechanical evaluation in the maxilla of pigs.
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2010 Dec;12(4):297-305
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert (2010):
Biologische Eigenschaften von Titanimplantaten.
Der freie Zahnarzt, Band 54, Heft 11, Beilage 1-7, 2010
M. Gahlert, S. Roehling, M. Wieland, C.M. Sprecher, H. Kniha, S. Milz (2009):
Osseointegration of zirconia and titanium dental implants: a histological and histomorphometrical study in the maxilla of pigs.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 20, 2009; 1247-1253
Gahlert M., Gudehus T., Eichhorn S., Steinhauser E., Kniha H., Erhardt W. (2007):
Biomechanical and histomorphometric comparison between zirkonia implants with varying surface textures and a titanium implant in the maxilla of miniature pigs
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol 18, Nr.5, Oct. 2007, 662- 668
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2007):
Die fortgeschrittene Wurzelresorption, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten
Dental Magazin, 1/ 2007, S.28, 46, 47
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2006):
Keramikimplantate– ein Paradigmenwechsel in der zahnärztlichen Implantologie (Teil2)
Bay Zahnärzteblatt, 43. Jahrgang, 12/ 2006, S. 38- 41
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2006):
Keramikimplantate– ein Paradigmenwechsel in der zahnärztlichen Implantologie (Teil 1)
Bay Zahnärzteblatt, 43. Jahrgang, 7-8/ 2006, S. 44- 46
T. Lassen, H. Lohrmann, H. Kniha, M. Gahlert (2006):
High- Tech- Abutments
Dental Dialog, 7. Jahrgang, 6/ 2006, S. 60- 67
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2005):
Sofortimplantation mit Folgen- Kritische Betrachtung neuerer Implantationsverfahren
Bay.Zahnärzteblatt, 42. Jahrgang, 1-2/ 2005, S. 42- 44
T. Lassen, H. Lohrmann, H. Kniha, M. Gahlert (2004):
Konstruktion einer bedingt herausnehmbaren Brücke mit Zukunftspotential (1)
Zahntech Mag 8, 6, 342- 349, 2004
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert J. Bier (2004):
CT- unterstützte Navigation bei der Implantatinsertion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sofortbelastung
Quintessenz Implantologie, 7/ 2004, für Druck akzeptiert
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert K.- U. Benner (2004):
Die Problematik bei der Implantatversorgung in der Oberkiefer- Prämolarenregion
Quintessenz Implantologie, 7/ 2004, für Druck akzeptiert
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert T. Lassen, J. Bier (2004):
Die Konzeption der CT- unterstützten Navigation bei der dentalen Implantatinsertion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sofortbelastung
J. Dent. Tech. Prosth., 8, Vol 29, 2004, Quintessenz Verlag
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert G. Krekeler (2001):
Präzision bei der Platzierung der Implantatpfeiler in idealer prothetisch relevanter Position und Achse
DZW- Spezial 11, S. 14- 18, 2001
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert G. Krekeler (2001):
Navigationsystem in der Implantologie (2)
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 3, 11/ 2001, S. 34- 36, 2001
H. Kniha, M. Gahlert G. Krekeler (2001):
Navigationssystem in der Implantologie (1)
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 1, 9/ 2001, S. 39- 41, 2001
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2001):
Knochenregeneration im Sprint?
Dental Magazin 1, 2001, 22- 24
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (2000):
Die Sofortbelastung von Implantaten
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 10, S. 37- 39, 2000
M. Gahlert (2000):
Vector Methode- Anspruch und Realität
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 12, S. 32- 33, 2000
G. Krekeler, W. Schilli, Chr. Ten Bruggenkate, M. Gahlert, H. Kniha, R. Schenk (1998):
Sinusbodenaugmentation – eine zuverlässige Methode zur Verbesserung der Implantatintegration?
Z. Zahnärztl. Implantologie 14, S. 198- 207, 1998
M. Gahlert (1998):
Membrantechnik in der Parodontologie
Phillip Journal 7-8/ 98, 15, 235- 237
M. Gahlert (1998):
Aktuelle Trends in der Implantologie
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 10, S. 30- 31, 1998
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha, , G. Krekeler (1996):
Heutiger Stand der Implantologie – Indikationen und Langzeitresultate
Fortschr. Medizin 114, Nr. 9, S. 99- 103, 1996
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (1996):
Die interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der implantologischen Rehabilitation
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 4, S. 46-48, 1996
M. Gahlert, H. Kniha (1996):
Ästhetik bei Frontzahnimplantaten- Vorstellung eines neuen Implantattyps
Bay. Zahnärzteblatt 4, S. 42- 44, 1996
M. Gahlert, K. Pelz, G. Krekeler (1990):
Die Wirksamkeit von Chlorhexidin auf das Keimspektrum parodontaler Taschen- eine In- vitro Studie
Quintessenz 1990, 1, 63- 69
Vita of PD Dr Stefan Röhling:
- 2009: Graduation in dentistry in Munich
- 2009–2013: Assistant at Basel University Hospital
- 2013–2014: Research associate at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX, USA (Department of Periodontics)
- 2014–2019: Medical centre in Lörrach (Germany)
- Since 2014: Research associate at the clinic for maxillofacial surgery and the high-tech research centre of Aarau Cantonal Hospital, Basel University Hospital, Switzerland
- Specialisation in oral surgery
- Since 2016: Senior physician of the clinic for maxillofacial surgery and the high-tech research centre at Aarau Cantonal Hospital, Basel University Hospital, Switzerland
- 2019: Habilitation at Basel University
- Stefan Röhling is married and father of three children
Corinne E. Oeschger, Dieter D. Bosshardt, Stefan Roehling, Michael Gahlert, David L. Cochran & Simone F. M. Janner (2020): Crestal bone response to loaded zirconia and titanium implants: a radiographic and histometric analysis in canines
Clin Oral Invest DOI 10.1007/s00784-020-03235-2 (2020)
Xiuli He, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Stefan Milz, Bernhard Michalke, Xiao Wu, Christoph M. Sprecher, Yang Yang, Michael Gahlert, Stefan Röhling, Heinz Kniha, Reinhard Hickel, Christof Högg (2020): Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro
Dent Mat 36, (2020), 402-412
Roehling S, Schlegel KA, H. Woelfler, Gahlert M.
Zirconia compared to titanium dental implants in preclinical studies – a systematic review and meta-analysis
Clin Oral Implants Res,30:365-395, 2019
30(5):365-395. doi: 10.1111/clr.13425. Epub 2019 Apr 16
Roehling S, Gahlert M, Janner S, Bo Meng, Woelfler H, Cochran DL. (2019): Ligature-induced Peri-implant bone loss around loaded zirconia and titanium implants.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019 March/April;34(2):357–365. doi: 10.11607/jomi.7015. Epub 2019 Feb 4.
Roehling S,Schlegel KA, Woelfler H, Gahlert M.
Performance and outcome of zirconia dental implants in clinical studies – a meta-analysis
Clin Oral Implants Res, 29 (Suppl. 16): 135-153, 2018
Roehling S, Cochran D.
Soft tissue integration of zirconia implants
Forum Implantologicum, 14(1): 18-25, 2018
Roehling S, Astasov-Frauenhoffer M, Hauser-Gerspach I, Braissant O, Woelfler H, Waltimo T, Kniha H, Gahlert M.
In vitro biofilm formation on titanium and zirconia implant surfaces
Journal of Periodontology, 88(3):298–307, 2017
Roehling S, Gahlert M.
Ein- und zweiteilige Keramikimplantate aus Zirkonoxid – die Behandlungsalternative zu Titan
Quintessenz ,68(12):1423–1428, 2017
Roehling S, Engelhardt H, Hicklin S, Kniha H, Gahlert M.
A retrospective clinical study with regard to survival and success rates of zirconia implants up to and after 7 years of loading
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res, 18(3): 545-558, 2016
Gahlert M, Burtscher D, Pfundstein G, Grunert I, Kniha H, Roehling S.
Dental zirconia implants up to three years in function: A retrospective clinical study, evaluation of the prosthetic restorations and failures
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 28(3): 896-904, 2013
Michael Gahlert & Stefan Roehling
Periimplantitis und Keramikimplantate: erste klinische Beobachtungen
Quintessenz Implantologie, 23 (3): 305 – 310, 2015
Stefan Roehling & Michael Gahlert
Keramische Zahnimplantate als Alternative zu Titanimplantaten – wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung
Zahnmedizin up2date, 5 October 2015: 425–444
Morton D, Gallucci G, Lin WS, Pjetursson B, Polido W, Roehling S, et al.
Group 2 ITI Consensus Report: Prosthodontics and implant dentistry.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 16:215-223. doi: 10.1111/clr.13298
Janner SFM, Gahlert M, Bosshardt DD, Roehling S, Milz S, Higginbottom F, Buser D, Cochran DL
Bone response to functionally loaded, two-piece zirconia implants: A preclinical histometric study.
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 29(3):277-289, 2018
Sprecher C.M, Gahlert M, Roehling S, Kniha H, Gueorguiv B, Milz S.
Comparison of imaging methods used for zirconia and titanium dental implant osseous integration assessment
J Mater Sci Mater Med, Sep;24(9):2195-200, 2013
Gahlert M, Roehling S, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Milz S, Bormann K.
In vivo performance of zirconia and titanium implants: a histomorphometric study in mini pig maxillae
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 23(3):281-286, 2012
Gahlert M, Roehling S, Wieland M, Eichhorn S, Kuchenhoff H, Kniha H.
A comparison study of the osseointegration of zirconia and titanium dental implants. A biomechanical evaluation in the maxilla of pigs
Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 12(4):297-305, 2010
Gahlert M, Roehling S, Wieland M, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Milz S.
Osseointegration of zirconia and titanium dental implants: a histological and histomorphometrical study in the maxilla of pigs
Clin Oral Implants Res, 20(11):1247-1253, 2009
Stefan Roehling, Georges Ghazal, Thomas Borer, Florian Thieringer, Michael Gahlert
Implant supported fixed dental prostheses using a new monotype zirconia implant – a case report
Dentistry Journal, 3(3): 79-92, 2015
S. Roehling, M. Astasov-Frauenhoffer, I. Hauser-Gerspach, O. Braissant, H. Engelhardt, T. Waltimo, M. Gahlert
In vitro biofilm formation on commercially available machined and micro-roughened titanium and zirconia implant surfaces
Clin Oral Implants Res, 26(12):75, 2015
Roehling, S, Engelhardt, H, Hicklin, S, Kniha, H, Gahlert, M.
Commercially available zirconia implants up to and after 7 years of loading – a retrospective clinical study with regard to survival and success rates
Clin Oral Implants Res, 25(10):81, 2014
Gahlert M, Roehling S, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Milz S & Bormann KH
Zirconia implant osseointegration. A histomorphometrical study in mini pig
Clin Oral Implants Res, 21(10):1018-1019, 2010
Gahlert M, Roehling S, Sprecher CM, Eichhorn S, Steinhäuser E, Wieland M, Kniha H, Milz S.
Osseointegration of zirconia dental implants: a biomechanical and histomorphometrical study in mini pig
Clin Oral Implants Res, 20(9):872, 2009
Milz S, Roehling S, Wieland M, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Gahlert M.
Osseointegration of ZrO2 dental implants in comparison to standard Titanium implants
European Cells and Materials, 17. Suppl. 1: page 14, 2009
Gahlert M, Röhling S, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Milz S.
Osseointegration of zirconia dental implants with a new rough surface. A biomechanical and histological study in mini pig
European Cells and Materials, 16, page 34, 2008
Roehling S, Meng B, Cochran D.
Sandblasted and acid-etched implant surfaces with or without high surface free energy – experimental and clinical background
In: Wennerberg A, Albrektsson T, Jimbo R, (eds). Implant Surfaces and their Biological and Clinical Impact: Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015:93-136.
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